Before & Afters
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The BOTOX can be injected around the pain fibers that produce the debilitating discomfort of migraine headaches. This treatment can help prevent migraines – before they start.
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AST Primary Care Marion I
3001 Williamson County Parkway, Suite C
Marion, IL 62959
BOTOX treatment for migraines takes approximately 20 minutes to perform. Using a very small needle, the doctor injects tiny amounts of BOTOX into certain shallow muscles. A treatment typically involves 31 injections in seven key areas of the neck and head.
You may have a headache after BOTOX treatment for migraines. A sore neck is another possible side effect. You may also experience muscle weakness in the upper shoulders and neck. These symptoms usually resolve on their own within a few days. You may drive yourself home and return to normal activities immediately after treatment.
If you are 18 years or older and have 15 or more headaches that last four or more hours per month, you may be a candidate for BOTOX migraine treatment. Some insurance companies may require documentation that you have exhausted other treatment options before they will cover BOTOX for migraines.
To treat migraines, BOTOX is injected in many different locations, including:
The FDA approved BOTOX for treating chronic migraines in 2010.
A migraine is not just a headache. It can last anywhere from four to 72 hours, and it may be accompanied by blind spots or flashes of light. Symptoms may include:
A migraine is not the same for everyone, which makes it more difficult to diagnose.
We are committed to excellence in surgical and nonsurgical care. Our multidisciplinary practice offers a range of superior medical services, including aesthetics and injectables, cosmetics, primary care, general surgery, and vascular surgery. We believe our patients deserve the highest level of comprehensive care.
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